As of August 22, 2021, Weitz online account access has transitioned to a new site.
Shareholders must create a new User ID and Password to access accounts.
For more information, see our site preview video and FAQs provided here.
Ultimus Fund Solutions - uTRANSACT investor portal preview
Why am I receiving an error when I try to register for online access?
To register for online access, you must provide the following information:
- Account Number
- Social Security Number (SSN) or Tax Identification Number (TIN)
- Date of Birth (for some account types)
- Zip Code
- Email Address
If you have provided this information and received the following error message, “The information you entered does not match our records. Please validate and try again to complete the registration process,” there are a few things that could be causing the error: - Account number – When entering your account number, remember that this number should not include the fund number. On your last account statement, your account number appears preceded by a three-digit fund code; use only the number after the dash (e.g., 310-12345 OR 310-603300000000).
- Email address – We may not have an email address on file for your account. If this data cannot match, you will not be able to register for online access. Please contact us at 1-888-859-0698 to add an email address to your account. There can be only one email address associated with your account.
- Date of Birth – Though it is rare, we may be missing date of birth on your account. If this data cannot match, you will not be able to register for online access.
If all the above information is correct, please contact us at 1-888-859-0698 to confirm that your date of birth is on file for your account.
We have a joint account, can both of us register for online access?
Yes. Each owner should register using their SSN and date of birth. The account number, email address and zip code will be the same for both owners. There can be only one email address associated with your account. However, during the registration process, you will be able to use different mobile devices for two-factor authentication.What information is needed to register an UTMA/UGMA account?
To register an UTMA or UGMA account, the SSN and DOB required will be that of the minor on the account.
Why do I need an authentication code?
The site requires two-factor authentication as an extra layer of security to ensure that someone trying to gain access to an online account has the authority to do so. First, a user will enter their username and password. Then, instead of immediately gaining access, they will be required to provide another piece of information. You will be able to receive an authentication code via email, text or call back.Will I need an authentication code every time I access the site?
No. When you first use an authentication code to access the site, you can select, “Don’t ask for codes on this device.” Generally, if you access your account from the same device, the same browser, and in the same location routinely, you will rarely be asked to use a code. However, multiple device and browser security points are utilized, and you may still need to use an authentication code when security measures cannot be completely verified.Do you offer electronic delivery of account and fund documents?
Yes. If you'd like to reduce the clutter in your mailbox, you can sign up for E-delivery. To do so, log in to your online account. Select "Document Delivery Settings" from the menu. Click "Edit" and then select the delivery mode for each document type available. For E-delivery selections, you will receive an email notification any time a new document is available.Can I access historical statements and tax forms on the site?
Yes. Statements and tax forms are available on the site from January 2021. For account documents prior to this date, contact us at 1-888-859-0698.Can I access my account from a mobile device?
Yes. The site is mobile responsive, which means the site will adjust to fit the device/browser from which you are accessing the site.What is Plaid?
You will be asked to verify your bank account through Plaid when adding bank instructions online. Plaid is a third-party service that allows you to connect your bank account to your Weitz account securely. This verification requires you to enter your bank account's username and password. This information is not shared with Weitz. Thousands of financial institutions are available to access through Plaid. However, if Plaid does not connect to your bank, please contact us at 1-888-859-0698 to assist in adding bank information to your Weitz account.Additional Questions?
If you have questions regarding your account or accessing your account online, please contact us at 1-888-859-0698. Representatives are available Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST, excluding market holidays.