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Research Driven

Research-driven investing means deeply understanding our investable universe so that in times of distress, we have the courage of our convictions to step in and buy at bargain prices. The investment management industry has changed significantly over our firm's history, but our founding principles have remained consistent. We take a research-driven, long-term perspective and strive to build long-term relationships based on transparency and trust..

High Conviction

We manage concentrated, high-conviction portfolios that are not concerned with benchmark names or weights. Our equity portfolios are typically comprised of 25-35 names, and it is not uncommon for us to invest 40%-50% of net assets in the top ten holdings. By taking larger positions in our highest-conviction opportunities, we can deliver a return profile for investors that is differentiated from the indices.

Active Management

As a boutique, employee-owned firm, our independence allows us the flexibility to think and act differently. Clients trust us to deliver differentiated outcomes versus broad market indices. Through our disciplined application of active value investing, we have provided solid long-term, risk-adjusted returns for investors.


Getting Around the Bases

Value Matters / 4.2024

In a landscape fraught with dramatic headlines, uncertainty, and high-flying tech stocks driven by quickly evolving AI technology, many investors have become uneasy. In spite of the noise, we remain focused on delivering robust risk-adjusted returns while safely getting around the bases.


Great Expectations

Fixed Income Insights / 4.2024

In a fixed income environment defined by volatility and uncertainty, we continue to approach the bond markets with a wide net and aim to take advantage of the best risk-adjusted opportunities wherever we can find them.

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